Our Story


Girls Gone Hajj is the apparel company started in 2010 around a kitchen table by four childhood friends from Newark, New Jersey. We empower Muslim women to make Hajj and Umrah ASAP!
In 2009, Allah blessed us to perform Hajj, the fifth pillar of Al-Islam, and we came back fired up. Hajj is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah where the Kabba is located in Saudi Arabia. All Muslims are obligated to perform Hajj at least once if they can afford it and are physically able.
In 2010, we hosted events for Muslims who intended to make Hajj. Girls Gone Hajj originated from a fundraising idea for these highly anticipated community events. We went anywhere vending was available selling our Got Hajj? Tees from parks, convention centers, and up and down the Garden State Parkway and I-95.
15 years later, our enthusiasm for this life changing journey is even stronger!  We are your Hajj Cheerleaders. We are the Muslimahs next door who keep the Hajj spirit alive with our positive vibes, services, and events. We are living proof that Hajj is possible. 

Welcome to the Girls Gone Hajj movement Sis! If you plan to make Hajj in the next 2-3 years, stay connected with us as we give you tips and resources to help you achieve your Hajj goals.

Your purchase of Girls Gone Hajj apparel keeps the lights on. Simply put, when you shop with us it literally powers the Girls Gone Hajj Movement and allows us to offer programming and information about hassle-free Hajj prep.

We invite you to shop with us, tag us on social media and spread the word.   #girlsgonehajj 
Girls Gone Hajj
~Fareeda, Hanifah, Sayeeda, Sutanah